
Saturday, 1 February 2014

Hearing Loss: When Is The Right Time To Check?


By Rey Vetangelo

Hearing loss can be such a subtle loss that you probably aren't even noticing. Maybe as a kid you always listened to your headphones much louder than you should have. Maybe you grew up in a loud area, always working around heavy machinery or loud speakers.

Hunting has long since been a recreational activity enjoyed by many, but one characteristic of hunting that can be especially harmful to the sportsmen is the thunderous boom of their rifle, shotgun, or pistol when they fire off their rounds. Firearms have many other dangers that have been associated with them, but those experienced sportsmen who know how to safely handle their weapons without possible incident may still be missing one critical detail of hunter safety-ear protection.

Many may be aware, but few can truly fathom the amount of damage that the concussive sound of a gunshot can do to the human ear. When a firearm shoots, whether it is a pistol, shotgun, or rifle, the sound emanating from the weapons is justifiably labeled as deafening.

Trying to distinguish different sounds may seem to others like you are ignoring them. Isolation. You may not take part in as many social activities.Problems communicating with friends and others you would like to be closer to.Hearing problems can cause learning problems that could result in lower academic achievements.

These kinds of checks are also quick and can be done completely on your schedule. Online hearing checks are another kind of common hearing checks. Phone and Online checks may be quick and convenient, but don't set your opinion on one of these without first consulting a professional.

Working as a sort of transmitter or translator, which ever analogy works best for an individual to comprehend, the ear drum with its intricate inner workings uses its delicate biological makeup to transfer the vibrations of the outside world into electrical impulses that the brain can then decipher into various noises and reverberations of sound.

Although you may not get all of your hearing back, it is very possible to restore most of your hearing and allow you to function regularly with your hearing. Often times, during a hearing check, the doctor will tell you what are the best alternatives are for you and can help you in the process of improving your hearing.

Prevention of hearing loss leads back to hunter safety concerning the booming and concussive vibrations and noises produced by their hunting firearm weapons. There are many hunters who know that they need to wear hearing protection while they are practice shooting their weapons or sighting the weapons in for the beginning of the season, but there are few who wear hearing protection during the hunt itself.

Contrary to popular belief, even one shot from a firearm can be damaging to the inner ear. So while hunters may excuse themselves from wearing hearing protection while on the hunt due to fact that they may only be firing their weapon once, the danger for hear loss while shooting any number of times, even just once, is great enough that all who wish to be safe while hunting or recreational shooting should always wear hearing protection.

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