
Sunday, 29 September 2013

Again Here Comes A Way That You Can Use To Prevent Diabetes.


By Orville Farmer

Type 2 diabetes: non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, is a disease that occurs when the body has no problem in insulin production, there is no shortage of insulin in this disease.A healthy individual produces approximately 31 units of insulin each day, a person with Type 2 diabetes may secrete as much as 114 units.

It is therefore important and necessary to set the facts apart from the myths about the common misconceptions about type 2 diabetes raising the alarms on having type 2 diabetes.

Fact #1: Diabetes has no treatment.

Obesity, or too high a proportion of fat in the body tissues, is associated with marked insulin resistance. Where this weight is carried is also a factor, fat accumulated in the abdominal area giving a much greater risk. Excess fat prevents the insulin from entering the body's cells and makes the body resistant to it.

Fact #2: Type 2 Diabetes is not fully understood.

Even making some simple changes like parking further from the entrance of the store or taking the elevator at work can get your body fitter.

Inactivity or a very low-level of activity contributes to insulin resistance and may bring on Type 2 diabetes in some people. As well, inactivity often leads to obesity which compounds the risk.

Exercising regularly will also help to improve health. Adopting a daily walking or exercise regimen will help reduce weight, which has a positive effect on diabetics. Exercise and activity will also lower blood sugar levels.

An inappropriate diet is a major contributor to insulin resistance and weight gain and therefore is a significant cause of diabetes.

Eating high calorie or sugar rich food like cakes and chocolates too often can lead to diabetes. Replace them with more nutritious deserts like oranges, berries and other citrus fruits.

Not only having them, but using them regularly as directed will help to minimize health problems. Checking blood sugar regularly is one of the key components to living a comfortable and relatively healthy lifestyle despite being diabetic.

Different types of monitoring systems are available, including lancing devices and test strips. Pricking the finger to test blood is not as painful as it used to be due to the revolutionary technology now available.

A diabetic's diet as far as fruits are concern should be about moderation and simply making sure that you eat only within your recommended daily allowance of sugars and carbohydrates, and fruits.

The risk of developing Type 2 diabetes is higher if it runs in the family. It is a genetic disease, which means you have the wiring installed for this disease from birth. It is important to educate yourself on diabetes and family genetics to avoid being an heir of this inheritance.

Consult a family doctor to learn about your family health history to stop diabetes from running in your family.

It doesn't mean that just because you do not have the typical symptoms that you do not have or will never develop diabetes. It is enough to have risk factors such as advanced age, being overweight and genetic family history to convince you to undergo regular check ups. Some people discover the disease only when they are already suffering from a complication.

The same thing applies in that lifestyle changes can override genetics. Type 2 diabetes is caused by multiple factors.

In most cases, it is not the diabetes itself that kills. To put it more correctly, diabetics die because of the complications brought about by being diabetic. Some of these complications include heart ailments as well as kidney failure.

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