
Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Moves Throughout The Blood And Stimulates The Liver To Produce A Protein


By Jake Alexandre

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a key regulator of growth in our bodies acting to build and maintain structures and tissues from our toes to our hair. As we age not only do our reproductive functions decline but growth also slows and eventually stops. The decline in growth hormone as we age is known as the somatopause Communicate. One specific GH-releasing hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone expressed calcium ion sensitivity. Somatotropes however do not automatically secrete growth hormones.

It has a powerful impact on the quality of human life. These small protein hormones are similar in their sequence and structure and play crucial roles in growth development and milk production. There are kinds of secretion as well they are all similar in structure but have different roles. Despite their similarity these hormones have small differences in the overall shape and surface features allowing them to bind to specific targets to perform their own functions. Growth hormone moves throughout the blood and stimulates the liver to produce a protein called insulin-like growth factor.

The major role in gaining height is to stimulate the liver and other tissues to secrete IGF-1. IGF-1 stimulates proliferation of chondrocytes (cartilage cells) resulting in bone development. Human Growth hormone does seem to have a direct effect on bone development in stimulating differentiation of chondrocytes. Thus growth hormone has multiple effects on the overall form and function of a growing body. Hormone for growth broadens the protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is the record and conversion of specific parts of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) to form proteins. Human growth hormone production starts to decline during middle age which is why we begin to see the normal signs of aging such as hair loss bone loss of muscle and shaky voice tone and of course the loosening of our skin as well.

Hormone for growth broadens the protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is the record and conversion of specific parts of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) to form proteins. Human growth hormone production starts to decline during middle age which is why we begin to see the normal signs of aging such as hair loss bone loss of muscle and shaky voice tone and of course the loosening of our skin as well. All this happens due to the decline in growth hormones.

All this happens due to the decline in growth hormones. Growth hormone usually awakes for action when we are in sleep so taking a sound sleep for many hours specifically for children's and eating healthy food like organic milk and meat makes the growth hormone functions stronger. Children and adults with growth hormone deficiency can now be treated with growth hormone supplements. However in some cases these supplements are exploited to reverse symptoms of aging.

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